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Cecco Rivolta - Firenze


This collective house in Vita Dazzi in Firenze, on the hills up to Rifredi is a historical experience of a student squat that has been central for several Florentine urban movements’ initiatives, serving as a community hub, a laboratory and a organising spot.

Cecco Rivolta is the house that was occupied in year 2000 mostly for residential use, but since the beginning its hosted also collective spaces and the hacklab / indymedia Italy node. Later they started a project of social gardening with the neighbours and a kindergarten in nature. Using this house as an headquarter,  the collective has been promoting important initiatives and it represented an essential node in the network “Odissey for Space” that in the early 2000s reclaimed space for social use in the city of Florence.

 During last years the experience has undergone a process of legitimisation through a program funded by the Tuscan Region for the recovery through self-construction of social housing. The inhabitants constituted the association Co-Habitat, designed the regeneration project with the support of some public funding and were assigned the building for collective housing with a 30 years contract.The inhabitants did most of the renovation work during what is currently considered a pilot experience of regeneration of housing through self construction, with the Tuscan regional regulation becoming a reference for similar processes in Italy.


Tesserae’s researchers have followed the case of via Dazzi since it’s beginning and we presented it as an exemplary case study in the study on Self Recovery of Common Goods for Civic e-State – URBACT

Find here the regeneration process condensed in one infographic:  manifestino-infografica (in Italian)

Here a booklet about the experience opuscolo cecco (in Italian)

Project Regenerating Commons