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Körnerkiez Berlin

This case study for EC DGRegio analyses the experience of the Körnerkiez in Neukölln developed through the Soziale Stadt Federal programme. Once an unattractive place, formerly on the East-West border and at the periphery of public discourse, it has recently become an area of new interest for different social groups. Over the years it has welcomed a mainly Turkish community, but now young people from all over Europe are attracted to Neukölln by its affordable rents, and new bars, art galleries and trendy shops are appearing. However, rents are increasing dramatically, and Neukölln is showing signs of gentrification, which raises debates about the future of the district and its low-income inhabitants.

The Socially Integrative City programme is a recognised example of good practice in community-led neighbourhood regeneration. Institutionalised at a national level, it has been in place since 1999, experimenting with integrated participative development in deprived urban areas. The unique and innovative nature of the Quartiersmanagement programme lies in that fact that, through a top-down process, the Berlin Senate facilitates a bottom-up participatory process.

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