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Cities engaging in the right to housing

Cities engaging in the right to housing is a EU funded capitalisation project of the EU programmes URBACT and UIA . 

The initiative explores how cities can deliver practical solutions to implement the right to housing, collecting stories and concrete examples from European cities already implementing the right to housing that others can take inspiration from. Three questions are leading this work:

  • What are the most innovative practices at city level concretely delivering the right to housing?
  • What can cities do to ensure that everyone – particularly the most disadvantaged groups – have access to safe, adequate and affordable housing?
  • How can the EU and member States create an enabling environment for cities to innovate?

The launch of the joint initiative happened during the Cities Forum on 31 January 2020.The ultimate goal is to push the agenda on the right to housing EU wide and to further enrich the work done by the EU Urban Agenda.

Tesserae co-founder Laura Colini,  in her position as URBACT Programme Thematic  expert and UIA expert designed, coordinated the initiative,  drafted the website text, podcasts and conferences involving- thanks to the two EU programme team for this activity – external experts, researchers and activists.

How can cities build alternative community-led housing models?

No one left behind 

Housing fair finance