Tesseræ - Urban Social Research
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Loops of Change

The issue 68 of LoSquaderno dedicated to the theme “Loop” includes a short piece by Lorenzo Tripodi.  The paper examines participatory processes as “loops of cognitive loops” and presents Tesserae’s Frame4Change as a recursive action system similar to a music composition approach.   Access and download LoSquaderno 68 here


Social Housing – Significante e significati

LAURA COLINI   Per Housing che possa definirsi “sociale” si possono considerare tutte quelle forme di alloggio che riconoscono la casa come un diritto, inclusivo, sicuro, dignitoso accessibile economicamente, tale da non alimentare meccanismi di mercificazione e speculazione che pongono il profitto economico dinanzi al beneficio sociale.   Read the full article on Urbanistica Informazioni […]


Problema casa e recupero degli immobili: cosa chiedono le iniziative popolari

LAURA COLINI In Italia, la casa è riconosciuta pubblicamente come un problema e lo è sempre più per un numero crescente di individui che vivono la mancanza di alloggio o la difficoltà di mantenere un affitto con costi di raffreddamento e riscaldamento non piú pagabili se non con indebitamento. I mesi del 2023-2024 hanno visto […]




UrbEX – Handbook of Urban Exploration for youths

This handbook is directed at youth workers, educators and civil servants who work with youths and / or in disadvantaged urban contexts in processes of social inclusion, empowerment, contrast to school drop-out etc. It aims at providing ideas and tools to employ spatial exploration methods with youths. The method targets in particular youths at risk of […]


Edu-City Handbook – The neighbourhood as a learning space

This handbook is a result of the Erasmus plus project EduCity. It is directed at practitioners, educators, civil servants and engaged citizens who are active in processes of social inclusion and community empowerment in urban contexts. It aims at providing ideas and tools to exploit the neighbourhood as an active site for mutual learning, innovation […]



The IN-HABIT Toolkit aims to provide a set of guidelines, methods and tools for the wider engagement of stakeholders in the People-public-private partnerships (PPPPs). It includes instructions for stakeholders mapping and local needs assessment, selection criteria, structure, working rules and diversity management procedures, co-design methodology, and the necessary guidelines and templates for the creation and […]


The Just City Dimension

The Just City Dimension – How UAEU partnerships can be used by policy and decision-makers to end homelessness and provide adequate and affordable housing is a new article by Laura Colini published on the  EU Urban Agenda  platform. This article is part of a series of articles based on the 14 Partnerships of the Urban Agenda […]


Studio sull’autrorecupero dei Beni Comuni

As part of the URBACT Civic E-State project, Tesserae senior researcher Lorenzo Tripodi was commissioned to lead a study on the practices of “autorecupero and autocostruzione” (community-led self construction and renovation), as practiced in recent decades in Italy. A report of the full results of this study are presented below. Background The study was aimed at […]


Towards NGO Houses: Approaches to the traditional people’s house model

Tesserae senior researcher Laura Colini has contributed a chapter to a new book on the power of civic ecosystems published by Cooperative City Books. The chapter, titled “Towards NGO Houses: Approaches to the traditional people’s house model”, focuses on a practice developed by the municipality of Riga called the NGO House, a type of centre promoting the […]


Memory and Resistance

Issue #81 of Dèrive Magazine is dedicated to Democratic Spaces, and looks at the past, present and future of open, non-commercial, hybrid spaces of participation. It includes an article by Lorenzo Tripodi, Laura Colini and Manuela Conti about the Museu da Maré and the Network of Social Museology of Rio de Janeiro. The article is one […]


CALICO Journal n.1

In this first Journal for the Brussels CALICO project UIA expert Laura Colini provides a descriptive overview of the project and focuses on the 7 UIA challenges. Furthermore, she explores “the model of the Community Land Trust (CLT), known for providing affordable non-market oriented housing based on long-term land lease governed by a trust”. Read/download […]


Telescoping the City

Tripodi, L. (2020). Telescoping the City: Technological Urbiquity, or Perceiving Ourselves from the Above. Space and Culture. Abstract The paradigmatic turn into network society has radically transformed the capacity to situate ourselves into geographical extension and communities. While the view from above has historically represented privileged vantage points reserved for elites, the popularization of mobile […]



The challenge to innovate social work: How BMINCOME brings about a shift


The B-Mincome project Journal n.4

How to set up a city entrepreneurship programme in social, solidarity, and coop economy? Which challenges have been faced and which solutions the city of Barcelona has developed? This are just some of the themes addressed by UIA Expert Laura Colini, in this Journal edition of B-MINCOME project. The Active Policy on Social, Solidarity and […]


URBEX toolkit

Urban exploration as a tool for the engagement of youths at risk of exclusion.


CoMMA Neighbourhood Atlas

Article by Lorenzo Tripodi published in Dérive Magazine n. 73 "Nachbarschaft"


COMENSI Toolkit for community engagement

COMENSI Toolkit is a collection of methods for community engagement produced as the first outcome of the Eramus+ COMENSI project



In this 3rd Journal for UIA Laura Colini looks in detail at different ongoing projects related to the Active Policy 1 “Neighbourhood-based training and jobs for all”. During her visit she met several citizens involved in the different training activities as well as trainers and social workers from the NGOs active in this strand of […]


Fighting homelessness: the role of cities

Laura Colini,  in her role as URBACT programme expert gives an overview of the Policy LAB and URBACT Knowledge Hub initiative’s collaboration with FEANTSA and the Mairie de Paris, following their December 2018 gathering to share information, exchange local practices and launch collaboration among small, medium and large administrations in Europe to combat homelessness. Inaccessible, […]


Rigenerazione urbana e processi partecipativi

Rigenerazione urbana e processi partecipativi. Interview (in Italian) to Lorenzo Tripodi by Bertram Niessen at conference organised by Che Fare in Mantua within the FattiCult Festival, October 2018.



The second Journal reports on the advancements of B-MINCOME until February 2018 and focuses on the challenge of B-MINCOME information, communication and selection process of beneficiaries. This process took place over a period of circa six months, involving the BMincome Team of the Municipality of Barcelona, IVALUA and other local stakeholders. Access here the UIA […]


The B-MINCOME Project Journal N°1

The first of a series of journals following the B-MINCOME implementation process. The project is based on the city's decision to implement a guaranteed minimum income (GMI) to supplement income in the most deprived and poor areas of Barcelona.


Learning from Context

Booklet recording and reflecting on the presentations and workshops at the conference Learning from Context organised by Tesserae in the frame of the EULER project


Switch On Mehringplatz

Final publication of the training program developed in Berlin by Tesserae within the EULER transnational exchange project


Privatization, Financialization and State Restructuring in Eastern Germany: The case of Am Südpark

Article written by Matthias Bernt, Laura Colini and Daniel Förste and published in the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research


Intergenerational Approach to Urban Regeneration

Baseline study for the URBACT implementation Network ReGeneration


Exercises in Urban Reconnaissance

A short piece on Exercises in Urban Reconnaissance published in Lo Squaderno n. 39.



50 projects supported by the European Regional Development Fund during the 2007-13 period.


Sustainable Urban Development – Art. 8

A study on sustainable integrated urban development in the cohesion policy commissioned by the EC DG Regio in 2010


Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Europe

Case studies on Inter-Municipal cooperation in Europe.


Against Divided Cities

Paper for the URBACT capitalization project concerning spatial and social segregation in urban areas.


Towards a Vertical Urbanism

Lorenzo Tripodi "Towards a Vertical Urbanism. Space of Exposure as a New Paradigm for Public Space", chapter in A.M. Brighenti (ed.) The Wall and the City. Trento: Professionaldreamers, 2009.


Museumization and Transformation in Florence

Chapter by Laura Colini, Anna Lisa Pecoriello, Lorenzo Tripodi and Iacopo Zetti, published in Porter, L. and Shaw, K. (2008) Whose Urban Renaissance? An international comparison of urban regeneration strategies, London: Routledge


Cartografia Resistente

Paper by Lorenzo Tripodi presented the Media-City conference, Bauhaus University – Weimar, January 2008 and published in Frank Eckardt et al. (eds.), MEDIACITY: Situations, Practices and Encounters. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2008
